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Giving to the Parish

​The work of the Parish is entirely self-financed. We receive no financial he​lp from the Diocese, the State or any other external source. As such, we are in need of the support of our parishioners and friends to enable the Parish to carry out its mission.

Collections are taken at Sunday celebrations of the Divine Liturgy, as well as at the candle desk. However, it is a great help to the Parish if individuals set up regular giving patterns, establishing a firm monthly income for our community.



To facilitate this kind of regular giving, we invite you to establish a Banker's Standing Order, for direct deposit of regular contributions into the parish's account. You can download and print our Banker's Standing Order form, which we ask that you then return to our treasurer, Mr Simon Jennings for processing.

​The parish is a registered charity (no. 1118783), and as such is able to reclaim tax on donations received. If you are a UK taxpayer and make regular or frequent contributions to the parish, please consider filling in a Gift Aid Declaration Form which will enable the Parish to reclaim tax at no extra expense to you.  

You may also support our Parish by making a donation via the Parish's secure PayPal account.

Other ways to support the Parish


​​May God bless you for your generosity!​

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