Parish Administration
Parish clergy

Archpriest Stephen Platt
Parish deacon​

Deacon Alexey Kostyanovsky
Diocesan Hierarch
Right Reverend Matthew, Bishop of Sourozh​
Cathedral of the Dormition and All Saints​
67, Ennismore Gardens​
London SW7 1NH
​The Parish shall be governed by:

​​The Diocesan Hierarch;
The Rector;
The Parish Assembly;
The Parish Council;
The Chairman of the Parish Council.
The Diocesan Hierarch is the highest (governing) body of the Parish. The Diocesan Hierarch shall supervise and govern the Parish activities.

St Nicholas Parish Statutes 4.1; 5.1

​The Rector is the head of the Parish and shall be in charge of its administration.
The Rector shall represent the Parish before governmental bodies and local authorities.
The Rector within the scope of his powers may act on behalf of the Parish without a Power of Attorney.
From the date of his appointment the Rector shall become the Chairman of the Parish Assembly.
The Rector shall also be the Chairman of the Parish Council

St Nicholas Parish Statutes 6:2

Parish Council
Rector & Chair ​of Parish Council: Fr Stephen Platt
Church warden: Marianna Colyer
Treasurer: Simon Jennings
ex-officio: Deacon Alexey Kostyanovsky
Council of Charity Trustees
Fr Stephen Platt, Nick Graham, (chair), Simon Jennings (treasurer), Frances Jennings, Maeve Henry, Ella Shatova, Lauren Fels (secretary), Sanja ŠÄ‡epanović, Tatiana Nosova, Anna Platt
St Nicholas Orthodox Parish organisation is two-fold:
the ecclesiastical Parish governed by the statues in conformity with church canons
the Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) constituted in accordance with charity law and registered with Charity Commissioners. It holds property for the benefit of the Parish, the Orthodox faith and public benefit.
Membership of the latter is determined partly by the membership of the former.

I'm Another Title
Audit Commission
Natalia Lobanova (chair), Matfei Mirnowicz and
​​Edda Kornhardt