St Nicholas Parish 100 Club

In 2010 a community of Orthodox Christians comprising of barely 60 people was able to buy and restore a dilapidated church, which required taking out a repayable loan and raising a further fund of £300,000 needed for renovations. This was possible by the mercy of God and through tireless fundraising by the community which generated some extremely generous donations from our friends and supporters.
Although we have now managed to pay back our £250,000 building loan, we are in constant need to raise funds for ongoing maintenance. We receive no financial help from any agency - religious or secular - at home or abroad. We have therefore decided to launch our own parish 100 Club as part of our on-going fundraising efforts.
Joining the Club gives you a chance to make a valuable donation to our church and to win cash prizes at the same time. We hope that many of our parishioners and friends will support this venture and thereby ensure its success. We look forward to welcoming you to the Club and to you becoming one of our winners.
1. Membership is achieved by subscribing to the Club, costing the subscriber £1 per month. Subscription however needs to be paid in full annually , preferably online, via PayPal or by cheque
2. For every £12 stake a 12-month subscriber number will be issued.
3. A prize draw will be made at the end of the calendar year.
4. Three prizes will be awarded.
5. Each year, 50% of the subscription money received will be paid out as prizes and 50% will go to the church fund.
6. Prize money is payable only to the person to whom the subscriber number has been issued.
7. The 100 Club can only operate with a membership of no fewer than 60 members. There is no limit to memberships and families may choose to have as many members joining as they wish.
8. Personal information will be used only for the purposes of the St Nicholas 100 Club.
Q: How does the Club benefit the church?
A: 50% of the subscription money goes to the church each year and 50% is paid out annually in prizes. This means that if 100 members subscribe, £600 will go to the church and £600 will go out in prizes. The more members there are, the bigger the prizes and the more money will go to the church.
Q: Who can join the Club?
A: Anyone can join the Club, you don’t have to be a member of our parish and you can have as many members of your family as subscribers as you wish.

Q: When can I join the Club?
A: Historically, our subscription year begins in November. If you are anew subscriber, please join the 100 Club as early in November as possible.
Q: How can I join the Club?
A1: By filling the form below and returning it with your cheque to: Marianna Colyer, 9 Hengrove Close, Oxford OX3 9LN. Cash payments + form should be handed over to Marianna or Simon Jennings (Treasurer) at the church.

A2: You can also take out the annual subscription online via PayPal. This may be particular convenient to our overseas members. Just follow the link below and take out the number of subscriptions you desire. If you have any difficulties using the online subscription service, you can contact the Treasurer